A parasol takes children on a journey through the skies.

Lily and Jack found a shiny parasol.

“Look, it sparkles!” said Lily.

Jack opened the parasol.

Wind whooshed around them!

Lily and Jack loved to play outside.

They lived near a big meadow.

One day, they saw the magic parasol.

It lay under an old tree.

“Let’s open it,” said Jack.

“Okay, let’s see!” said Lily.

They held the handle tight.

Up, up they went!

They flew into the sky.

“Wow, we’re flying!” shouted Jack.

The clouds were fluffy.

Birds sang while they flew.

Lily saw a rainbow.

“Let’s go there,” she said.

The parasol took them higher.

They floated over the rainbow.

“Colors are so bright,” said Lily.

Jack giggled and clapped.

They saw a golden bird.

“Hello, friends,” said the bird.

“Where are we?” asked Lily.

“In the sky’s wonderland,” said the bird.

“Enjoy and explore,” it chirped.

Soon, they floated down.

The parasol landed gently.

“We’re home,” said Jack.

“That was fun,” said Lily.

They closed the parasol.

“Let’s do it again,” said Jack.

“Yes, tomorrow,” said Lily.

They smiled and hugged.

The end.

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