A princess saves her kingdom from an evil sorcerer with the help of her friends.

Princess Lilly put on her shiny crown.

“Today, I will protect my kingdom,” she said.

Lilly picked up her magic wand.

Her friend Max the dog wagged his tail.

Long ago, a mean sorcerer came to the land.

He wanted to take away all the colors.

Lilly and her friends liked the bright, happy colors.

“We must stop him,” said Max.

They went to the dark forest.

Lilly said, “Be brave, Max.”

“I am.” Max barked.

In the forest, they met a wise owl.

“How can we stop the sorcerer?” Lilly asked.

“You must find the rainbow flower,” said the owl.

They searched and found the flower.

The sorcerer appeared. “Stop!” he yelled.

Lilly pointed her wand.

“Rainbows, help us!” she shouted.

The flower glowed with magic light.

The sorcerer covered his eyes.

The sorcerer ran away, never to return.

The kingdom was safe again.

“Thank you, Lilly!” said Max, wagging his tail.

Lilly smiled and hugged Max.

The end.

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